say what?

say what?

Say What?

On the say what? podcast, we help Christian women overcome toxic purity culture, be confident in their sex lives, heal from painful sex, and feel less alone!

Hanna believes that everyone has a seat on her couch, regardless of who you are, and it will never be too full for you to sit down. She currently lives in North Carolina with her husband, Thomas, her son, and her dog. Let's talk about things people don't want to say... out loud!

Where can you listen?

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Questions & Answers

How many episodes are there of say what??

There are 190 episodes avaiable of say what?.

What is say what? about?

We have categorized say what? as:

  • Health & Fitness
  • Sexuality

Where can you listen to say what??

say what? is available, among others places, on:

  • Apple Podcasts
  • Podtail
  • Google Podcasts

When did say what? start?

The first episode of say what? that we have available was released 28 April 2020.

Who creates the podcast say what??

say what? is produced and created by Say What?.