27. Seeking External Validation

27. Seeking External Validation

The Polynesian Life Coach · 2023-04-24

This weeks episode is huge! Something i've been uncovering and will continue to uncover as it's something I resonate with heavy.

Seeking that external validation from the people around me when I really needed to self validate.

I share with you tools that have helped me overcome this!

Enjoy! and please let me know your thoughts on today's podcast episode by leaving a comment, rating and reviewing or messaging me on instagram @soextra.__

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The Polynesian Life Coach

Thank you for being here and WELCOME to The Polynesian Life Coach Podcast (Formerly known as Life Lessons With Leesh)
I'm Leesh, your host, a proud polynesian from NZ now living in Melbourne, I'm a biz owner, mentor, life coach and speaker.
TPLC is a safe space where I support and empower you to level up your life!
I hope you love these episodes as much I do and if you get any amazing takeaways pls share with someone you think it may help!
Ngā mihi nui x

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