Called By God
Kaleo Church · 2024-06-15
What does the call of Elisha have to teach us about the call of God to each and every follower of Jesus Christ? Have you counted the cost? Is following Jesus worth it when it leads to a life of service and sacrifice? Elisha's call reminds us that "God is my salvation." Jesus answered the call of God perfectly so that he could now call us out of darkness and into his marvelous light.
Kaleo Church
Listen to sermons from Kaleo Church in El Cajon, CA. Kaleo Church exists to be a Christ-treasuring family, formed by the gospel, and sent on mission to the world by the power of the Holy Spirit for the glory of God. Learn more at www.kaleochurch.com
- No. of episodes: 443
- Latest episode: 2025-03-15
- Government