A seat at the table

A seat at the table

Lauren Coleman

I'm Lauren Coleman, a nutritionist and personal trainer based in Aotearoa.

My mission is to help people improve their health and wellbeing by making changes to their lifestyle in a simple, sustainable way.

It can be really difficult to know what to eat and what to do when it feels like we're being bombarded with information everywhere we go... The scary thing is that a lot of what we're being told we should be doing isn't actually true either.

I'm here to help you navigate the nuance, break down myths and misconceptions, and improve your wellbeing with self-compassion above all else.

Where can you listen?

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Questions & Answers

How many episodes are there of A seat at the table?

There are 37 episodes avaiable of A seat at the table.

What is A seat at the table about?

We have categorized A seat at the table as:

  • Health & Fitness
  • Nutrition

Where can you listen to A seat at the table?

A seat at the table is available, among others places, on:

  • Apple Podcasts
  • Podtail
  • Google Podcasts

When did A seat at the table start?

The first episode of A seat at the table that we have available was released 11 January 2024.

Who creates the podcast A seat at the table?

A seat at the table is produced and created by Lauren Coleman.